Grapevine is a quarterly subscription-based magazine about sacred circle dance. It is based in the UK and distributed to subscribers around the world.
It contains articles about many aspects of circle dance and includes information about circle dance teachers, musicians, regular

circle dance venues and events, and about circle dance resources.
Circle dance teachers, musicians and dancers around the world subscribe in order to keep in touch with others, share ideas and experiences, learn about many aspects of dance and about the countries from which circle dances come.
Grapevine is produced and published by a team of volunteers from the circle dance network. Contributions – articles, letters, poems, pictures, advertisements – are always welcome via the editor.
Subscribing to Grapevine
Subscribers to Grapevine receive:
- Four copies of the magazine per year, in March, June, September and December
Subscribers who are circle dance contacts, teachers or musicians can have :
- Their details listed in the network directory
- Their regular circle dance groups listed in the Venues section
- Special events around the world listed in Diary Dates
- Circle dance music and books listed in CD resources
- An opportunity to take out public liability insurance
- A link to their website on this site